Impact through Photography

I have been mentioning a lot about the arts and media and how that platform can be used to bring transformation. Sometimes it is hard to believe it or even see it when we are limited in our scope or interactions with people who are trying to make a difference in this field. I want […]

The Gospel in Spiderman 3

Christina and I were able to spend some time together yesterday. After a quiet dinner alone (someone was gracious enough to watch the kids for us), we watched Spiderman 3 on the IMAX theater. The movie was “just ok” (sorry Spidey fans). But one thing that I have been saying for some time now is […]

T-Ball Season

We went to Elliot’s first T-Ball game. It was fun watching these 7 year old kids trying to hit the ball off a tee… their throwing and their attempt at catching the ball were hilarious. I guess this is how all kids start off. Since Elliot has pretty good eye-hand coordination, baseball is working out […]

Jacket Illustration

I think I need to set the record straight so that there is no misunderstanding of what happened this past Sunday during my message. As I was meditating on the passage (Mt 22:1-14) in my preparation, I wanted to come up with an illustration that would highlight the point about having the “right” wedding robe […]

The 10K Experience

I will first just give a quick overview in terms of what happened today and then later on, I will give more of an extensive reflection of my experience at the 10K. We did not get off to a great start. When we arrived at the starting station, it started to drizzle and then it […]

18 Hours and Counting

As the start of the 10K race is approaching, I am getting the same feelings that I use to get the day before big games. People are saying, “It’s JUST a 10K race, Pastor Seth” (I can see their eyes wanting to roll). Well, this is going to be the start of a journey of […]

The Arts and Evangelism

There is a buzz going around. Amongst some the culture-tracking Christians, there is talk that the next Billy Graham might be an artist. In terms of the platform and the message that can be communicated effectively to our generation, I am truly a believer of this. Also, just seeing some of the younger talents and […]

After Eleven Years

On June 1st 1996, I stood before Christina and with God, families and friends as our witnesses, I made a commitment to love, honor and cherish her for the rest of my life. I cannot believe it has been 11 years since then. We spent tonight celebrating our 11th year wedding anniversary. As our usual […]

Josiah’s Michigan Extravaganza

Two presentations in two days – I guess towards the end of the school year they like doing presentations. Josiah’s class presented “unique things” about the state of Michigan. Each of the students had to do research about some aspect of Michigan’s history. Josiah decided to choose the Underground Railroad, which helped to free the […]

Elliot’s First Speech

This morning Christina and I went to Elliot’s school to listen to his 1st grade class give presentations on “Michigan’s Endangered Species.” It was interesting to see who the natural public speakers were as they gave their presentations. I am guessing that growing up in a preacher’s home gives an edge 🙂 The best part […]

The Life and Legacy

        I was a mess this afternoon after watching the live webcast of the dedication of The Billy Graham Library. Three former presidents of the United States (Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton) all showed up to honor him. When three former presidents show up to a dedication of […]

Sketches Sermon Series

        This past Tuesday the staff and I evaluated the sermons series we just finished. As some of you have been noticing, I have been trying to go with the “one point” approach and build the one point with various personal applications. I have been measuring some of my effectiveness by seeing […]

Applebee’s Complaint Follow-up

I finally received a response from Applebee’s, but it was not the response that I was looking for. In a strange way, I feel like it was one of those patent or standard answers that are given to e-mails that are sent with a complaint. Hmm… I guess the only way to see if they […]

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