Tomorrow we will have our annual Single Adult Retreat. First of all, the semantics of calling a 20 or 30 something a “single adult” or “young adult” need to be cleared up. In fact, I wrote an entry a year ago laying down the reasons why in HMCC we call people in the 20-30’s single […]
Reclaiming the Arts and Media
I don’t know if you have been keeping up with some of the new T.V. shows that will be appearing soon. It was very interesting to me that two of the new shows deal with the arts and media. One of the shows is called, “On the Lot.” The contestants on this show will have […]
American Idol and the Arts
Even though the T.V. show American Idol has been playing for 6 seasons (including this season), I have only watched the last 5-6 weeks. Thanks to the craze over Sanjaya Malakar, it perked my interest to find out what all the hype was about. Yesterday’s finale was incredible. At the end, when […]
“24” Season 6 Finale
Since I was in Dallas, I missed the 2-hour season ending of “24” on TV. But thankfully, Christina recorded it for me (to feed my addiction). SPOILER WARNING! It is amazing how a lot of movies and T.V. shows have glimpses of the Gospel. In fact, I have been saying […]
God is Preparing the Harvest
There are times when a person just senses something. Some might call it intuition or “in the flow” and some in other camps call it prophetic, but regardless, it is exciting when you are tapping into the heart of God. For some reason as we were coming to a close of this school year, some […]
Dallas Reflections
As I am sitting here reflecting on my 24 hours in Dallas, I am feeling pretty overwhelmed (in a good sense). First of all, it is incredible to think that God would use imperfect people to build His Kingdom. Sometimes, I see myself messing things up more than anything else. But God is truly gracious […]
Wild Challenge in Dallas
I arrived to Dallas/Fort Worth airport in the morning. Then I headed out to pick up a rental car. Christina ended up getting a cheap price for a car rental from E-Z Rent-A-Car. Exactly. I was thinking what kind of cars would a place called E-Z Rent-A-Car have? I was bracing myself for the worst, […]
Another All-Nighter
We finished the retreat on a high note as we prayed together in the various small groups. I talked about the CHARGED acronym and how college students can be a part of God’s greater plan of bringing transformation in societies and nations. The worship band quickly packed up and after saying our goodbyes, we headed […]
The Land of Motorcycles
It seems like the town of Lake Geneva is a motorcycle town. Within the last few days, I have seen so many people on motorcycles. I have also seen many different types of bikes… with many different types of people riding on them. As I was going to the coffee shop, I happened to notice […]
CCUC Retreat Update 2
This morning I talked about forgiveness. It is usually a heavy topic, especially when it is in the morning session. I realized that whenever I address this particular topic (in any place), it is always hard for everyone involved – not only for the people who have to dig deep into their lives, but it […]
Sad Day in Wisconsin
After the evening worship service was over, I went to my room to check the score of the Bulls and Pistons game. It was a sad evening. Well, the positive thing is that the Bulls have a lot to build upon for next year. For some reason this reminded me a lot of the rivalry […]
CCUC Retreat Update 1
Recently, instead of the typical 2 or 3 point sermon, I have been just using one point to help people to apply God’s Word in their lives. At this retreat I have been focusing on the importance of transformation within our lives. One avenue for transformation is a life of worship. This morning, I talked […]
Running With the Right Music
I have finally found the right music to run with today. It was so obvious that it did not cross my mind. I have tried techno music to pump me up, but it wasn’t doing it for me. I tried Christian music but I felt like I had to preach soon. I even tried love […]
The Asian-American Journey
It is really interesting how CNN is doing a special on the Asian-American Journey on their website. It is estimated that there are close to 13.5 million people from the Asian descent living in the United States. Asian-Americans go through some unique struggles compared to some of the other major minorities in the States. One […]