Purdue College Retreat Update 1

It was a long drive from Ann Arbor to the retreat center near the Purdue University campus. I was going to fly in to Indianapolis, but the cost of the flight was ridiculous. Therefore, I decided to drive down with the worship team. It was good spending some time with them. Since the retreat is […]

Purdue College Retreat

I will be heading down to Purdue University on Friday with the worship team for a two day retreat. After many invitations, our schedules finally came together. God is truly doing something on college campuses all around the United States as well as in other nations. A lot of history’s revolutions have been started in […]

The Guardian

Recently, Christina and I watched the movie, “The Guardian” together. It stars Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher. The movie had familiar theme with some predictable parts. But it was a great introduction to the U.S. Coast Guard. I didn’t realize all the training that they had to go though. Their motto is Semper Paratus, which […]

Sledding Madness

Today, the Kim family decided to venture out to conqueror a new hill that was discovered a few days ago. With the fresh snow that fell the day before, we were resolute to go sledding even though it was freezing outside. We had an incredible time! Even though some of the snow turned icy, the […]

Pastor Appreciation Day

I went to Josiah’s and Elliot’s school today. As some of you know, they are at a Christian school. Christina and I had debates about whether to send them to a Christian school or to the public school. We came to the conclusion that in these formative years, it is more important to focus on […]

Pink is Her Color

Oh my! You should have seen Karissa when I gave her a pink rose for Valentine’s day. I told her that the color pink was for a princess and that she was my princess (I know, I know… I just can’t help it). In fact, I started to have regrets when she took the rose […]

New Valentine’s Tradition?

I had everything planned out for an intimate dinner for two at our place (candle lights and all). After putting the kids to sleep, I was planning on a nice dinner and some quiet time alone just between the two of us. But all the plans went out the window when Christina said, “I think […]

Valentine’s Poem

Christina reminded me the other day that the first Valentine “present” that I gave to her was a NLT Bible. How spiritual huh? Ha! I guess I directed her to the 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a passage in a little Post-It note inside the Bible. Wow… that was like 12 years ago when we were courting. I […]

Raising Up Kingdom Workers

I met up with a local pastor who is working with youth and college students. As we were talking, we got into the discussion about the need for more kingdom workers. Then it reminded me once again, the importance of constantly raising up new people in our ministry. If we are serious about sending people […]

Thoughts on “The Present Future”

I finished reading Reggie McNeal’s book, “The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church.” Whenever we are on the beginning stages of a new movement, there seems to be couple of things that become apparent. First of all, things in the movement change very rapidly, therefore it is hard to keep current with the […]

626 Mandate Part 2 Countdown

      In just a little over a week, all the AMI churches all around the world will be united in our 2nd 626 Mandate. About a year ago, Pastor Keith from Church of Southland received a conviction with Isaiah Isa 62:6-7, “I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never […]

Members To Missionaries

There is a phrase that God has been formulating in my heart and mind for our church. I shared it at the congregational meeting… “members molded and moved to be missionaries” Until our mission statement of “transforming lost people into Christ’s disciples who will transform the world” becomes a passion for us, we will just […]

The 3M Direction

In light of yesterday’s congregational meeting, we now need to take some steps forward in order to make the 3 M’s become a reality. The pastoral staff and I are going to aggressively pursue avenues in which to help facilitate the Maturity, the Multiplication and the Mission Center to come to fruition. We will definitely […]


Several weeks ago, I lost something on the plane. I took it out of my bag and placed it near my chair so that I can use it later. But in the midst of being engrossed in a book, I forget about it. It wasn’t until I was packing things up for my trip to […]

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