Today was the moment of truth… a moment of transformation… a total make-over!
July 4th 2007
We spent the birthday of our nation by just going out as a family. It was hard finding places that were open on this day, but we were able to go to a place where they had a batting cage, miniature golf, and video arcade. So it was a fun day for the kids. Josiah […]
Situation in Peru
As many of you have heard by now, the 2007 Peru Missions team has not be able to return back to the United States due to a transportation workers’ strike. All forms of transportation have been blocked. We are now praying that things will open up so that the team can get back to Ann […]
Picnic on the Porch
Today for dinner we wanted to have a make-shift picnic on the porch. As the weather was getting cooler due to the approaching thunderstorm, we thought it would be refreshing to have the gentle breeze blow on our faces (ok, well… it was more like me trying to convince my family). Finally, my persuasiveness won […]
Bird Watching
Christina and I had our weekly date-day (we try to alternate from a date-night to a date-day). After breakfast, we decided to take a walk. I have always believed that “older” people took walks together – but then, I guess we are getting older… HA! As we were walking around our neighborhood we came across […]
Married Couples Putt-Putting
Once a month our married couple’s small group tries to do an activity together. This Tuesday we decided to go Putt-Putting. We paired up as couples and made a team of 4’s. It was fun, especially when we got a discount coupon for hitting a hole-in-one. For some reason our group had people who were […]
Chillin’ with the Kim Family
Yesterday, we had the Executive Team over to our place for food and a time of fellowship. We grilled some fajitas and had other side dishes that awaken our taste buds. Some of the desserts that were brought over were excellent as well. Afterwards we played Guesstures – guys vs. gals! No comment on who […]
2007 Breakaway Soccer Season
I am a little bummed about not being able to play this summer for HMCC’s Breakaway Soccer league. Since I will be out most of July, I will be missing this season. Over the years, I have seen this ministry grow in great ways. It has become more international in flavor and it has also […]
Road Rage and the 10 Commandments
The Vatican issued a 10 commandments for drivers. You can read the article here. It is a bit surprising since most people are used to the Vatican speaking out on abortion, homosexuality, or capital punishment. I am guessing it is due to all the road rage that is out there on the streets. They warned […]
A Guest at HMCC of Chicago
Yesterday, HMCC of Chicago was blessed to have Pastor David Yang from All Nations Mission Church visit our Sunday Celebration. He is leading a growing bi-cultural church in the New Jersey area. Since his son attends our church Pastor Yang brought his whole family to spend some time with Josh before he took off for […]
Birthday Feasting
I guess as people celebrate their birthdays, it is often times equated with going out to eat. It is an extra bonus when people end up paying for you. Yesterday I had breakfast with the kids at one of my favorite breakfast places. Then the staff took me out for lunch. Finally for dinner, Christina […]
Ruth Graham Gone Before Us
Today, on June 14th at 5:05PM, Ruth Graham went to be with the Lord. I was pretty moved by the news article in CNN and their depiction of her. Read it here. I think her life is summed up well by the words of Billy Graham, “Ruth was my life partner, and we were called […]
Summer Student Gatherings
For our Friday night ACCESS gatherings in AA, we have changed the focus a little bit. First of all, during the summer we are meeting just once a month (compared to every Friday night). We really wanted the small groups to be more missional and find creative ways to experience not […]
The Google Influence
Today, after a long day at the office, I was going to my car which was parked in a parking structure. It was a bit strange to see plain clothed security guards on the premises. This is the first time seeing so many all throughout the parking structure. So I decided to ask one of […]