God is the Greatest Artist of all time. We, as human are able to create beautiful things because the Creator created us. Whenever I get inspired by a musician or an artist with their talent, I am reminded that they are just a reflection of the Greatest Artist. Therefore, keep on creating great music, […]
Withholding Nothing
I am constantly reminded that in order to experience true freedom, we have to let go of everything; but it is always easier said than done. Living a life of complete surrender to Christ is hard. We love ourselves too much, even to the point of being narcissist and full of pride. The times […]
The Hearts of Men
Coming back from my recent trip to Cambodia, I was reminded once again about the evils of human slavery. As I looked at the issue, I couldn’t help but to conclude that everything starts from the heart. Since we live in a broken world, we try so hard to “fix” ourselves from the pain […]
World Shakers. History Makers.
I remember when our kids were younger and they all went to the same school. It was so much easier driving them to one location; but now, they all go to different schools. I miss those younger years when we were all together in one car. Everyday, as we got closer […]
Winter Baptism 2013
We made history at our 2013 Winter Baptism. It was our first time having the baptism at our Transformation Center. Secondly, we had the most people being baptized at one time in the history of our church. I am constantly amazed at God’s transformative work of calling us His own and […]
HMCC-HK Call-Out Meeting
Design by HMCC-AA Publications Team It has been almost four weeks since the official announcement of starting HMCC of Hong Kong in 2015. There has been a great response. I’m encouraged and excited to see the 2020 Vision become a reality. I am looking forward to this call-out meeting because I […]
Access Series: “Playlist”
Designed by HMCC-AA Publications Team Have you ever been asked, “What’s on your playlist?” In fact, you can find out a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to and what’s on their iPod. With every song, it shapes our mind and our worldview. There are lots […]
2013 H-Games
I hope all of you are getting ready. The question is: Who will take home this year’s H-Games’ trophy? Game time: Saturday, October 5th, 12:00PM at Palmer Field This is not for the weak of heart. “Those who stay will be champions!”
2013 Undergraduate Retreat Promo
Designed by HMCC-AA Publications Team The theme for this year’s 2013 Undergraduate Retreat is “Torrential.” The dictionary defines, “torrential” as: 1) Pouring or flowing fast, violently, or heavily 2) Abundant, overwhelming, or irrepressible We are praying that at this year’s retreat, God would pour out His Spirit in an overwhelming […]
Sermon Series: “Contagious”
Design by HMCC-AA Publication Team The American Heritage Dictionary defines, “contagious” as: 1) Transmissible by direct or indirect contact; communicable 2) Spreading or tending to spread from one to another; infectious The early Church was contagious. All throughout the Book of Acts, we get a glimpse of what it was like […]
Access Series: “Game Time”
HMCC-AA Publications Team We have started a new sermon series for Access, our college ministry. In this new series called, “Game Time” we are going to draw some parallels from the different aspects of a football team to the start of a new semester. The different parts are: 1) Part 1: The […]
The Cost of Following Jesus
In our generation, we have domesticated the Gospel. When Jesus challenged people to follow Him, He demanded their lives. There was a cost involved in following Him; but we have drifted away from Jesus’ initial call. This is the reason why when we hear the Gospel message in a clear and unadulterated way, it […]
Spoken Word of Transformation
It is hard to believe that we have started our 18th year of our church this September. This time of the year always brings excitement to my heart because we get to reach out to a new crop of students. The vision of transformation never stops. For the last 18 years, we have seen […]
Reminders from Asia Trip 2013
Photo by Duncan P. Walker Whenever I spend time in Asia, God reminds me of things that He is doing around the world. This past summer God reaffirmed a lot of things we are doing as a church in trying to reach the nations with the Gospel. The reminders that God […]