We are finishing off in our time here in California. We have one more session of planning and praying. It was great to spend time with people that have the same passionate and heart as you. We have been soaking in God’s presence. I am rediscovering the importance of solitude. I can’t wait to go […]
Mountain Side
This morning, I had the opportunity to hike up a mountain (well, more like the foothills) near the retreat center. I haven’t huffed and puffed like that in a long while. It was another affirmation that I need to get my cardio back up to speed. As I was on top of the foothills, I […]
Quiet Reflection
I was pondering on the 17th century French theologian, Francois Fenelon’s words – “Silence promotes the presence of God… If you are faithful in keeping silence when it is not necessary to speak, God will preserve you from evil when it is right for you to talk.” In the quietness of this place, I realized […]
Rancho Capistrano, California
It has been great getting away from everything and spending some time in prayer. The TLT and I have been spending portions of the day in personal times of prayer and reflection. Then we would come together to plan and discuss things that are related to AMI. I am seeing the benefit of getting away […]
AMI Trip to California
I am looking forward to spending some time with the other AMI trans-local leaders as well as spending some time with God. In fact, Pastor Keith got a place out in San Juan Capistrano, California. It is a retreat center where we will be able to pray, plan and prepare for what God has in […]
Board Summit ’07 Part 2
By the time we finished the Sunday Celebration in Chicago and drove out to Benton Harbor, it was late. The guys from Ann Arbor arrived before the Chicago board members. Since it was late, we spent some time in prayer and then went to sleep. We started early this morning at 6AM. We have already […]
Bulwarks in the Faith
I had the privilege of meeting Dr. J. Robert Vannoy. When I first heard his name it sounded so familiar… then I realized that he contributed to various translations of the Bible as well as various commentaries. He contributed to The NIV Study Bible and The Reformation Study Bible. He was also on various translation […]
2007 OIL Conference
Even with all the various events going on around this time, there are still a good number of people at the OIL Conference. I could not believe that this was the 20th year anniversary of the OIL Conference. God has truly been faithful. There is something about the Montrose Bible Conference here in northeastern part […]
A Party in Heaven
“I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” (Luke 15:7 NIV) “Count on it—that’s the kind of party God’s angels throw every time one lost soul turns to God.” (Luke 15:10 MSG) […]
Still Reaching the Youth
The retreat has been going well. Tonight, the Spirit of God was moving in the hearts of the students as I talked about the importance of biblical community in our lives. At first, I wondered if I would be able to connect with the youth of today. But as I have been sharing my life […]
Retreat for Small Churches
The family and I are at a retreat right now in Wisconsin. After brunch with some good pastor friends and their families, our family headed out to Wisconsin. For some reason the drive was really long. I don’t know how you feel about the online maps (Google Maps, Mapquest, etc) but for some reason they […]
Kenya Update 8
We spent time doing some R&R today. We headed out to Lake Nakuru National Park to enjoy God’s creation. The park was filled with animals that co-existed peacefully with Land Rovers and Land Cruisers. It was quite an experience. In fact, the movie, The Lion King was refresh in our minds, as we saw the […]
Kenya Update 7
Before we left Kapsowar, some of the staff of the hospital threw a farewell feast for us. Once again it is just humbling to see the generosity and gratitude in the hearts of the people at the hospital. Instead of blessing them, they continually blessed us. It was a hard saying our goodbyes to everyone. […]
Kenya Update 6
It was a good feeling to be able to walk to church today. The AIC Kapsowar Church was right next to the hospital. The service lasted for 3 hours! But the time went so quickly. It was a special Sunday because they divided up the church according to various life stages – youth, single […]