The topic of leadership is my passion. I love devouring books and articles on leadership. The topic can be discussed from Christian authors or even secular authors – it really doesn’t matter because any leadership principles that work in the world are always biblical principles. John Maxwell is known as the […]
Thoughts on “Communicating for a Change”
For some reason, reading Andy Stanley’s book, “Communicating for a Change” was a painful but yet pleasant experience. Maybe it is like running. It is painful as you run (especially if you haven’t ran in ages), but then at the end it feels good knowing that you got a good work […]
Thoughts on “Freakonomics”
The subtitle of Steven Levitt’s and Stephen Dubner’s book, Freakonomics is: “A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything.” This is an appropriate subtitle in light of what they try to present in their book. If you are a cynic or a skeptic, then you will love this book. As a […]
Thoughts on “The Jesus Creed”
Recently, I finished reading Scot McKnight’s book, “The Jesus Creed.” There are just some books that cause you to love God more – this is one of those books. There are a handful of books that are in the same caliber – Knowing God, Loving God, The Pursuit of God, and Desiring […]
Thoughts on “The Big Moo”
I really enjoyed reading Seth Godin’s book, The Big Moo. The subtitle of this book is: Stop Trying to Be Perfect and Start Being Remarkable. I think the desire to be remarkable is built in to every human being because it touches on the issue of significance. We all want to make […]
Thoughts on “The Present Future”
I finished reading Reggie McNeal’s book, “The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church.” Whenever we are on the beginning stages of a new movement, there seems to be couple of things that become apparent. First of all, things in the movement change very rapidly, therefore it is hard to keep current with the […]
Thoughts on “Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age”
I finally finished Ed Stetzer’s book, “Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age.” It was a highly touted book by all the church planting gurus. In fact, many of them mentioned that this is the “one book” that needs to be on the shelf of every church planter. This is a very practical book. It […]